We were saddened to hear that a BBH resident was spotted dumping something into a storm drain on the Fairhill side of BBH during this past holiday season.
The City makes it abundantly clear that storm drains are for rainwater only: https://www.brla.gov/2016/Storm-Drain-Dos-and-Donts
Please take three minutes to watch this informative video on why it is so detrimental to allow anything other than rainwater into our storm drains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5CmJqd-7Ik
You can also read about storm drains HERE: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.brla.gov/DocumentCenter/View/7154/Stormwater-Dos-and-Donts-Brochure-PDF
Local ordinances regarding storm drains can be found HERE (https://library.municode.com/la/baton_rouge,_east_baton_rouge_parish/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT2STALSIBASE_CH8STRE) and HERE (https://library.municode.com/la/baton_rouge,_east_baton_rouge_parish/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=TIT2STALSIBASE_CH8STRE_S2_362COSTSTGEDIPR)
Lastly, the City encourages its residents to say something if we see something. Improper use of storm drains can have detrimental impacts on our waterways, wildlife, and safety from flooding. They encourage citizens to call 3-1-1 or use the Redstick 3-1-1 app to report violations: http://311.brla.gov/