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We're Keeping YOU Informed

The speed limit in Bluebonnet Highlands is 25MPH. All posted STOP signs require a full stop before proceeding into traffic.

Unfortunately, we have received homeowner complaints and have observed reckless and dangerous driving in Bluebonnet Highlands. The 4-Way STOP at Springlake and Springpark has been the cause of concern for many homeowners.

If you observe reckless driving, you may report it directly to EBRSO or to the HOA to pass along to EBRSO.

We have requested EBRSO to send more patrols through Bluebonnet Highlands and to ticket anyone who is speeding and/or failing to fully stop at STOP signs.

We are a neighborhood of joggers, pet-owners, families with children playing in the yard, walkers, bikers, rollerskaters, etc. Be safe and respectful of each other by safely abiding the law!